Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy with your Libido?

How happy will you be if you can improve your sexual performance and vitality? In some cases men don’t have any issues with their sexuality. They don’t suffer from issues like erectile dysfunction, impotence or premature ejaculation but they would like to enhance their sex life. They usually feel they can perform  satisfactory but just want that extra to be able perform above the norm. Alphamaleshop products restore sexual fitness and all our products are made from natural ingredients with no side effects.
Men have to admit that if you can be perform in the bed you will become confident in all other aspects of life. The general idea is to be confident without worrying about the nasty side affects.  Alphmaleshop products are seen as the leader in sexual health. Men who has been devastated from erectile dysfunction, impotence or just a weak sex drive will find our products the solution to all their ED problems.  All our Natural Viagra products are the beginning of a new area  for men suffering from any sexual dysfunction issues. 
Normal Viagra is not without issues. This drug has almost 20 different side effects listed on their packaging ranging from going blind, seeing blue spots and death in some extreme cases.  Alphamaleshop products can enhace your life safely. Our blends of natural herb, vitamins and minerals can change your life forever. Remember the sexual energy you had when you were young. Energize your sexual life now with our Male Enhancement products.  Some men suffering from Diabetes have no choice but to avoid PDE-5 drugs like Viagra thus they turn to our powerful herbal alternatives.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chinese Herbs for Low Libido

Before western medicine Chinese medicine used herbs to enhance their libido. These herbs are taken by thousands even billions of people every day to enhance their sex life. We will discuss 6 herbs that have been used successfully by men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
First on the list Cnidium. Its chemical makeup has been compared to synthetic medicine like Viagra. Its known to increase Nitric Oxide and inhibit PED-5.
Horny Goat weed has been listed as one of the most powerful sexual herbs ever taken.  Not only does it increase testosterone levels but also stimulate the glands that produce Nitric Oxide. Men have also found that this herb increases energy levels and sexual drive and stamina.
Chinese Medicine most used herb is known as Ginseng. The herb enhances blood flow to the extremities of the body. Increases testosterone levels, increase sperm mobility and just enhances general energy levels and mood.
Ginkgo Biloba has been voted as the greatest circulatory herb ever cultivated. Increases blood flow to the brain and the body own blood network of blood vessels. This herbs has been linked to other health benefits including enhancing memory, cerebral awareness and reducing psychological exhaustion.
Jujube Fruit are consumed by men with the following problems. Fatigue, debility, restlessness and those who suffer from depleted energy levels.  This herb contains a multitude of Vitamins including Vitamin A, B-2, C Calcuim. Maybe not seen as a strict sexual enhancing drug but are known to help with overall health.
Tongkat Ali is well known for its ability to increase sexual drive among men and women.  This herb contains a super oxidant called dismutase, a anti-oxidant enzyme that kills of radicals inside the body which can be harmful. Tongkat Ali also contains a so-called bio active substance called dismutase an anti-oxidant enzyme which amplifies testosterone production among men and lowers SHBG levels. All and all this herb improves libido and increase sperm production and mobility. If you are suffering from Low libido or have fertility issues you may think about using Tongkat Ali
All these herbs are known to increase Libido levels. By increasing Nitric Oxide, testosterone levels and enhancing blood flow the male improves his sexual wellness. These herbs have been used for thousands of years by men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Please checkout other awesome sexy blogs for more information on sex adult toys

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pharmaceutical sex drugs

Pharmaceutical sex drugs are being used by millions every day. These drugs are widely viable all over counter of internet. Most people buying from internet sites do this for 2 reasons. Price and to avoid embarrassing moments with the doctor or chemist. Even though advertising campaign and schemes have lessen the last past years the drug popularity has risen tremendously.

Pharmaceutical companies
Magic drugs like Viagra seem so simple.  You have a problem. You drink the pill. You get an erection and you perform. Everyone is happy? No more erectile dysfunction.
Of course it’s not so simple.
Let’s look at all problems that arise from using drugs like VIAGRA, LEVITRA, CIALIS


Its the first PDE 5 inhibitor ever created and also the most well known. It’s estimate that the drugs works with 70% of men. This means 30% are not happy with the drug. Men who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, liver issues and low blood pressure are caution not to use Viagra. Multiple men have suffered heart attacks and strokes while they were using Viagra. Other side effects include vision goes blurry (some see blue dots), upset tummy, headache, tremors and of course a prolong erection that does not seem to go down.


Another PDE 5 inhibitor, Levitra helps to increase blood flow to the penis and help men achieve longer stronger erection. It basically works for 6 hours after that you need another dose. Doctors suggest that you stick to a single dose as side effects goes up dramatically. Again men suffering from heart disease should avoid using this drug as this drug puts so much pressure on the heart. Side effects include runny nose, blushing(flushing), tummy problems, blurry vision, lightheadedness and sensitivity to light.


PED5 inhibitor. As the others this drug works by increasing blood flow to groin area so the male can achieve an erection. Men suffering from heart disease, are prone to strokes, have high cholesterol are told not to use this drug at any cost. It’s also been noted that men smoking and are over the age of 50 should also avoid using this drug. Side effects include blur vision sore muscles, runny nose, back pain, indigestion. In severe cases it’s been noted that the decrease blood flow to optic nerve has been known cause sudden vision loss. This can be terrifying  experience for a new user. Would you like to checkout our sexy gadgets, please visit our online sex blog

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Treating Erectile dysfunction (ED) Naturally

Thousands of males have serious erectile dysfunction issues worldwide. It’s a known fact that about 40% of males of all ages experience erectile dysfunction somewhere in their lives. This can become a very trivial issue among males and females. A healthy sex life is as important as a partnership between man and women, thus when there is problems it can put a lot of strain on a relationship.
There is multiple causes for impotence. Doctors have narrowed the reasons down to the following elements. The list starts with Stress, Tension or Blood flow and other medication which hampers a man’s ability to perform sexually or obtain an erection.
Cures and so called remedies can be found everywhere. Since Viagra became a household name, men have started to use PDE-5 Blockers at every occasion, now men have turned to herbal remedies that effectively treat these issues. Science has brought you ways to effectively treat the main causes. In most cases a lack of blood flow to the penis is the main reason why men suffer from ED. If this issue is sorted out man can achieve his former glory.
Natural remedies basically relates to alternative herbal drugs. These alternative drugs are seen as alternatives to chemically manufactured prescription drugs. The first PDE5 drug to hit the market goes by the name of Viagra. This well known drug was first discovered by mistake when doctors found that this drug they prescribed for hypertensions also have an effect on the penis. Even though this drug is known for its positive effects it has multiple side effects including blue vision to a painful erection. In some extreme cases men died using the drug. In must be noted that these men usually had underlying medical issues.

Helpful tips for men suffering from ED

The tip you as a guy need to consider are to think about your eating habits. Living healthy lifestyle will have an immediate effect on the body and mind. Exercise regularly and keep the blood flowing again. This will partly eliminate high cholesterol which is known to ED. By exercising everyday your body start to release all impurities by sweating it out. The healthier you become the longer and more powerfull your erection will become. Some men have found that practicing yoga and meditation on a regular basis have helped them if they were suffering from Ed. For more information adult toys for men please visit one our many online sexual health blogs or sites

Friday, July 29, 2011

Self Esteem and Erectile dysfunction

When a guy starts suffering from erectile dysfunction he can become quite despondent. The more he becomes despondent to more he start suffering from low esteem and it start to create problems in normal life situations.  Erectile dysfunction can be very embarrassing which is why most men prefer not to go see the doctor or pharmacist for a prescription or talk to their partners. This longer he leaves it the longer he becomes sexualy insecure which of course reinforces the performance anxiety in men. This leads to a vicious cycle of repeated failures and negative feelings.
These feelings cause men to withdraw from the relationship and those who care for him which put a tremendous strain on liaisons. He usually tries to put distance between him and his partner and avoid sexual contact. Basically he withdraws from anything where he will be put a compromising position.  They believe that they are the reason for this problem and only they can solve it. It’s been noted by psychologist that these men feel that they are no longer physically attractive to their partners.

Women point of view of erectile dysfunction

Some women start to worry about her partner impotence . For them the feeling is that they partner don’t find them appealing anymore or he may have found something better. In some extreme cases erectile dysfunction have lead to the breakup of marriages. In a women point of view they believe the man is start to lose interest in her or don’t find her sexy or attractive anymore. Unsatisfactory sex make the women think she is inadequate which can lead to depression and loneliness.  It is advisable for men and women to seek help from medical staff or psychologist.  They need to discuss the issue and make sure they understand that this problem is body related and not mental. Breakdown in communication should be avoided by all cost.  The male should make it clear it’s not her and the female should support her partner through this difficult time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Natural with erectile dysfunction

As the saying goes …men will always be men. For a guy that experience erectile dysfunction it must feel like the end of the earth. Nowhere to go but forward. If you have experience you would know how this feels. If you reading this you most probably have felt emptiness. Millions of men suffer from impotence that has been known to lead to emotional scarring and later on mental problems which includes the dreaded depression. When men come together they talk about sex and how important it is for them and their partners. So when this disease strikes they are usually devastated.

Cure you erectile dysfunction naturally

The natural option must be by far the easiest way to “cure” you impotence.  Recent studies at various universities have found that 1 out of 5 men suffer from erectile dysfunction in some sort of another. However it’s been noted that in 50 percent of cases this can be changed with life style changes. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction you need to ask yourself a couple of questions. Are you at risk for diabetes? Do you have family members that have heart disease? When you go to job are you acutely walking about or do you sit on the chair all day? What sort of food are you eating? Are they high in fat?
If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction and answered YES to any of these questions above you may have the answer to why you are suffering from ED.

Naturally cure ED

Even though there is no such thing as to “CURE” ED, you can minimize the issue. First thing to do is check the labels of the food you eat. Your diet may be the reason. If you suffer from high cholesterol it should be noted that you should lessen you fast food intake/fattening foods and food high in sugar. In some cases men that cut their intake of vat by 60grams have notice an affect on their sex life within 6 weeks.
Boost circulation, this means exercise. Increasing blood flow keeps down cholesterol levels.  Your arteries become clog up when you suffer from high cholesterol. Block arteries induce erectile dysfunction.
Your size of your meal can also become important. Doctors are now suggesting the person has to eat 5 small rations of food a day.
If you are not eating correctly you should think about adding a multivitamin in your diet. Slow release vitamins have shown to better.
Remember to drink 6 glasses of water a day as a minimum.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

Preventing Erectile dysfunction

Impotence has now become a very well known issue among of all ages. Men to suffer more as they get older. In fact studies in the US have shown that 50% men over the age of 40 experiences some degree of erectile dysfunction.
There are multiple reasons why men suffer from erectile dysfunction but most can be related to the following

First defense for erectile dysfunction

Your chance of having erectile dysfunction is much higher when you do the following
Smoking – It is vitally important to stop smoking. Smoking veins to constrict which makes it quite difficult to get blood to the groin area.
Avoid excessive alcohol use – Alcohol has the tendency to impair testosterone production and shrinkage of the testes. This would not only lead to erectile dysfunction but also lower sperm count.
Illegal Drugs have been known decrease desire and diminish libido among men.
It’s vitally important to exercise regularly, to get the blood flowing. Obese men are known to experience impotence issues because the bloods never get to the penile area.
Eating healthy can decrease your changes of suffering from erectile dysfunction. The better you eat, the better change you may not suffer from high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

How to treat your erectile Dysfunction

The first thing you need to do when you experience a problem is make sure it’s not mental. Look at your life and see if there is a stressful reason why you may experience ED.  This can include a problem at work or your relationship with your partner.  Men tend to put their issues aside but subconsciously your mind will not forget and bring it out when you have sex. Medical personnel would advise relationship counseling in such a case.  If you sure that your issue is not psychologically related it is most probably physical.  In such cases you have multiple herbal, pharmaceutical and mechanical options. This include herbal products that contains L-Arginine, Horny Goat Weed or Yohimbine. Most people have heard of Viagra also known as PDE5 inhibitors. As a last resort you can also use adult toys like Vacuum pumps, Injection Treatment or Surgery.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

ED and Diabetes

If you are reading this you probably suffering from diabetes and you may now also suffer from erectile dysfunction. Multiple men suffer from ED which is causes by Pre existing conditions. One of these conditions is called Diabetes. Not understand the issue you need to understand Diabetes and how it interacts with the body and outcome. When a person eats glucose it gets broken down by the digestive system, which in turn is converted into energy. Pancreas produces insulin. This hormone allows the body cells to take up the sugar into the blood. When the pancreas does not produce any insulin he/she start to suffer from diabetes. This is called Type1 diabetes.  Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not respond with the insulin produced. This sickness can lead to nerve and vascular damage.

Nerve and vascular damage causes the issues with certain parts of the human body. This includes the penis. Nerve damage and insufficient blood flow will produce sexual issues. With broken nerves and improper blood flow to the penis a male will not be able sustain or obtain an erection. Men tend to think that Viagra is the option which in this case is big no-no.  Men who suffer from ED and Diabetes are treated with drugs that should not be used in combination with PDE-5 inhibitors.  Doctors will not prescribed medicine like Viagra if the male is suffering from Diabetes. Herbal alternatives also known as herbal Viagra is being used with even greater effect than Viagra itself. Before Viagra became such a big sensation men use to use herbal supplements to help them achieve an erection again. Alphamaleshop only used all natural herbal medication in its product. None of our products contain any prescription medicine.
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction because you have diabetes I would advise visit our Online Website  for more information on sex toys or visit one of our many sexual awareness blogs. Check out the herbs we have in our products and see if there is any negative reaction to diabetic medicine.  Even though diabetes will create major issues in your lifestyle it does mean it has to have any effect on your sexual wellbeing.